Velkommen til Dirty Ranch Steakhouse servering & bar oplæring!

It is your repsonsibility as a new employee in the Dirty Ranch Steakhouse front-of-house that you have gone through the traning for your job role before your first shift. Watch the videos, read the procedures and make sure you are in control of all our rules, found in the staff handbook.

Når du arbejder i serveringspersonalet, forventer vi at du kan:

  • Holde styr på borde og sæde nr
  • Kan områdernes navne
  • Udfører dine opgaver (task) i slings
  • Samarbejde i tæt hold med din kollegaer
  • Er smilende og imødekommende overfor gæster

A little bit about the everyday…

  • Every day, a runner (under 18) meets in at 16.00 to get the restaurant ready – clean the floors, toilets and set the tables
  • A waiter meets in at 16.30 – this is the “rødansvarlig” for the night
    • It means that they stay to close the restaurant, are responsible for the kasse – both opening it and closing it – and is responsible for the distribution of tasks during the night as well as organising which waiters have which sections – and who goes home first and last
    • Any problems, complaints or emergencies during the night? You should let the rødansvarlig know about it!
    • In order to be assigned a rødasnvarlig shift, you must be able to do everything on waiter training checklist to a high standard and prove that you can have an overview of the whole restaurant during busy periods
  • On the weekdays, when there are less bookings, there are certain tasks you are expected to carry out – the rødansvarlig will let you know what to do and distribute these tasks every night

A little bit about working hours…

  • På Sling kan I se hvornår I skal møde – men sluttidspunktet er aldrig sikkert – da det handler om, hvor mange gæster vi har i huset.
  • Du er sendt hjem, når der ikke er brug for jer længere.
  • Hvis du skal afsted på et bestemt tidspunkt, kan du selvfølgelig bare spørge.
  • I typiske weekender er det normalt ikke senere end kl.22 – 23
  • Det er forventningen, at tjenere byder ind i 4 weekenddage (fredag eller lørdag) hver måned


  • NOTES:


    Personalet spiser ved bord 33 når de er på vagt.

Jobber du i servering, har du mulighed for at rykke op med en ganske lille indsats. Vi har 4 niveauer i serveringen hos Dirty Ranch. Grøn, blå og rød, bartender samt manager.

  • Manager kræver ganske simpelt at du har styr på hele huset og kan kører restaurantens mange facetter alene og uden at være i tvivl.
  • Grøn er dig som er ny.
  • Blå er dig som har gjort dig umage med at lære nyt.
  • Rød er dig som kan det hele, men som lige mangler lidt erfaring.

Du bestemmer selv om du vil rykke på din uddannelse og booste din erfaring med at bruge din fritid på at forbedre dig.
Det personale som performer bedst får ganske simpelt flest timer og højest løn.

Lidt om “Tasks”…

Weekly tasks – these are tasks that need to be completed every single week.

Task Complete every    
Ice machine cleaning Monday
Beer, storage and prison room cleaning Tuesday

Prepare the bar for the weekend

  • Cut lime, lemon and pick mint leaves
  • Fill up lemon, lime juice and sugar syrup
  • Make sugar syrup if necessary (1 part sugar, 1 part water on the stove until a syrup is made)
  • Put away the bar delivery – wine in the prison, beer in the beer room (as many in fridges as can fit) and everything else where it should be!
  • Organise the servering shelves in the big cooler


Practical tasks – these are tasks that should be completed at least once a month, whenever there is time for it

Got a minute? – Practical restaurant tasks




Last completed

Clean the coolers behind the bar

  • Doors, front and back
  • Handles
  • Inside – remove everything and clean shelves

Fill up the bar

  • Sugar, Lavazza coffee, milk, straws, plastic sticks, umbrellas, coffee sachets, coffee filters, toothpicks

Clean the drink trays

Clean the cabinets under the bar

  • Remove the trays that hold clean glasses and clean these well – they get sticky
  • Using warm soapy water clean the inside the of these cabinets – pay attention to the metal edge which gets sticky

Clean the menus

Check the salt and pepper

  • One of each on every table
  • That they are filled up – otherwise fill them up

Clean the windows on the door at the entrance

Clean the walls in the restaurant

Clean the ventilation on the ceiling in the restaurant 

  • Use a ladder and warm water with correct dosage of soap
  • Sponge and then cloth

Clean the table legs and stands under the tables

Clean the lamps in the restaurant

Clean the stairs in the restaurant 

  • Steps using a mop
  • Handles using warm water with correct dosage of soap

Clean the wood boxes on the tables

  • Empty them
  • Clean them
  • Make sure that they are filled correctly – several dice, two leather cups, one pack of cards, one yatzy and one pen